Thursday, February 09, 2006

A pretty Rooster. I�m totally sick and tired of hearing chickens making noise 24 hours a day here. Even in our neighborhood, you can always hear them. So far, the noise is the only draw back to being here. Dogs bark all night, people and horses go by our windows, Chickens, Parrots, Turkeys, loud music and people talking and laughing at all hours. At 6:30 AM the deliveries start. Water; they honk, gas; a recorded message, Garbage; cow bell, and then the food and political announcements, all make sleeping difficult. Since it only gets down to the mid to high 70�s at night, we have to leave the windows open, or it would be a steam bath. We�re slowly getting used to it. Karen sleeps all night every night, but she�s young!


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