Last picture of the zillion of so that I took of the rock carvings. This one was deep and easy to see. There were a lot more than I expected to see. Since it�s very hard to find and get here, there are very few people that know about this place. We were fortunate to have heard about it from the lady that rented us the house. Up until this year, the road has been impassable with anything but a large 4 wheel drive rig of some kind. It�s still bad, but we make it in.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Previous Posts
- The other sacrificial altar we saw. This was a di...
- Pat tripping through the rocks near the end of the...
- We walked about an hour to get this far into the j...
- One of the first petroglyphs we found. This are i...
- Another picture of the altar.
- Cows and dogs. Looks like Eastern Oregon. Or ma...
- This is on the way to see some ancient Petroglyphs...
- I think these animals will soon be in the street i...
- After driving for around an hours on some terrible...
- A Mango tree. There are hundreds of acres of orch...
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